An American Expat in
the South of France
(XMas 2005)
Preparations for our first XMas in Chalabre....

Georges Hamida
does a superb job
cleaning the house.

Diva Maggie puts on her winter coat.

Jean-Marc builds a fire.

The decorations go up. Jingle bells, jingle bells...

Mon Beau Sapin... (O Tannenbaum...)

Now we're ready for Santa!
Soon after, John and Hazel, the wonderful hoteliers of Aux Fontaines (the local B&B), gave a XMas party....

The traditional Sapin de Noël...

Host John prepares
the XMas Turkey.

Bernard, our newsagent, also busies himself in the kitchen.

Bernard's wife, Bernadette, supervises.

The bird is ready! Let's eat!

Other delicious things.

Christian (Drouin)
carves the turkey.

Elise (Christian & Natalie's teenage daughter) pets Diva Maggie.

The funny hats are on!
Left to right: Nathalie, Hazel (John's wife), Christian, John, Bernadette & Bernard.

From left to right: John, Bernadette & Bernard.

Randy & Natalie.

"I didn't get any turkey..."