Unfortunately, I cook for Maggie the same way I cook for Jean-Marc and me, by feel rather than by recipe.  But this is a good approximation to start with.

6 lbs ground or chopped meat.  This can be beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, or whatever.

6 eggs, depending on the size of the egg

1/3 cup teriyaki sauce. Find one that doesn't have onion in it. Maggie seems to like one I've found that has ginger flavor in it.

2 T olive oil


1/2 cup ground flaxseed

4 cups of cooked rice

1 1/2 cup of chopped mixed veggies.  Almost anything except onions can be used here.  As wide a variety as possible is good.

I mix it in my electric mixer to get it really well blended, then put it in a large oval casserole dish and bake it at 375 F for about 45 minutes.

When it's cooked, I let it sit for long enough to  cool, then separate it into about seven or eight servings, which seems to be the right amount for her.  I was giving her less at first, until I realized that she needed a higher volume of this than she did of the dried  food, because so much of home cooked food is water.  I put it in refrigerator containers or baggies, which can also be frozen if you want to make more at a time.

To give it more of an "Italian" flavor, replace the teriyaki sauce with:

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese or other hard cheese

1 tsp or so of garlic powder.

2 tsp of Kraft cheddar cheese powder (this is the same powder that they use in their Macaroni and cheese and is available next to the grated parmesan in the supermarket.  It seems odd, I know, but I think this helps to perk up the flavor.)

Good luck.  Hope your furries like it.